
My wish for 2013? Learn to overcome.

To say that I am excited to leave 2012 behind is an understatement, though I do have a few good memories that I’ll cherish from this year. I witnessed my little sister get married and have a baby, and I am now auntie to the cutest kid on the planet. I became a lot closer to my good friends, reconnected with some friends from the past, and made many new ones that I am thankful for. I stepped out of my comfort zones … all of them … and pretty much survived to tell the tale. I am working again, at not one job but two, both of which I absolutely love.

But in 2012, I also learned how to accept rejection and failure. I had to say goodbye to people I love. I learned how to be hungry. I learned how important it is to surround yourself with people you love and who love and support you, too, and not just when times are good. I celebrated the last birthday of my 20s (until this year, when I will celebrate being 29 again). I packed up my life and moved to a new city, in a new state. I became officially homeless on Christmas Eve. And I cried myself to sleep more times than I can possibly count, drank more bottles of wine than I could possibly count, and had more doubts and fears about the path I am on than I could possibly count.

2012 beat me up pretty badly. And I am down, but not out. And in 2013, I will overcome.

That’s a promise.

jesus on the cross

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

5 thoughts on “Overcome

  1. Pingback: One Hell of a Year | Faith and Stage Fright

  2. I love you so much, my friend. I’m so blessed to know you and get to hold you once in awhile and have naked burritos. You are so amazing because you give until you literally have nothing left. I so admire you. Loves loves loves. ❤

  3. Rough year but some of what you’ve gained can never be taken from you. May peace and calm bless you. I don’t know the plan – but I know there is one. Sometimes you have to just float until you see the shore. You are in our thoughts – probably in many others, too

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